Where to Start?
Usually a projects in any kind of organisation, starts with analysing existing data, existing workflows and the existing interaction between team members.
- Where can I find existing data?
- How is it stored?
- What definitions and documentation exists?
- Who are the people that work with it today?
- Who are the people to work with it in the future?
- Are there other stakeholders involved?
What should be the output?
One of the most important ideas of project-management is: to keep always in mind what the output will contain, and how it will look like. This will give everybody in the team a clear guideline about the every day priorities.
What is the best approach to collect data
There is not a general answer for every project or every company. In most cases the quick answer is Excel and SQL-Databases. but is this useful also for every type of informaiton? What about pictures? Data organized in Tree-Structurs like XML or JSON? What if you want to store data within microseconds? Read more …